Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Taking CFA Level 1 in June

I've decided to sign up for CFA exam in june 2nd, raking $1100 from my pocket for registration and books. Been thinking about it for a few weeks and by talking to my co-workers, I've decided that I'm at no loss in taking the CFA ( unless I fail... )

Working in an investment company, many of my coworkers are pursuing CFA and see many benefits out of it. Moreover, my company would award us $500 and reimburse the test fee if we pass the exam.. So.. we'll see :)

I changed my MSN nick name to be "Taking CFA Level 1" and my brother's first response was :

" You're taking CFA?? What for? Omigod.. why are you so excited about studying..."

Background : he went to Australia for his Accounting undergraduate degree. He had never enjoyed schools and felt that working is more useful than studying. Although he graduated from his undergraduate at the age of 21, he saw no point of taking MBA.. SIGH

Another best friend of mine saw my nick name and said the same exact thing : "You're taking CFA??? And MBA?? Geez.. why do you love studying so much... "

And I thought it's a norm here.. well at least I'm only thinking of taking level 1 and not finishing the whole series...


asiangal said...

I found CFA an interesting experience to keep me learning even while out of school (I'm taking Level 3 this June). Best of luck, it's quite an expense though. =)

kpmg said...

I'll probably sign up for it in March, when the classes start where I am. And take the exam in December.


i wonder what my bank will think, obviously suspect me of wanting to jump ship once i'm qualified!! :(

Iday said...

I wanted to take CFA L1 before going to school to. But i decided against it because of heavy work load at office :)

And my office will not reimburse the $1100 as well :( I work in technology company and not a investment company :)

Anonymous said...

good luck...congrats on anderson.
i'm a fellow indonesian who did mba and took cfa before. cfa is a 3-year commitment...so hopefully you are ready to continue once you pass level 1...it's not enough to just do 1 or 2 levels.

the being said...

hi there! first time here from Iday's blog. All the best with the Apps and the CFA exam.

Congrats on getting into UCLA :)

ipoel said...

Thanks guys and good luck for those taking CFA as well..