Monday, May 14, 2007

Where is my I-20???

Killing me.. I submitted my financial forms to UCLA around end of March and until now I'm I-20-less. First, they say they didn't get my financial statement. Now, they say they didn't have any data on what I did after my graduation from UCLA thus cannot provide me with my I-20 yet (my guess is that I need to show my H-1B working visa bla bla bla )

SIGHHHHHHHHHHH and I'm going back to Indonesia in 1.5 weeks.. come on chop chop.. OKAY well to be fair, the person who is taking care of this is sweet and helpful.

Other than that, my CFA is suffering. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fail. I have 6 Schweser books and the test is on June 3rd in Jakarta. Right now, I have 2/3 a book to finish. But I have yet to do any of the practice questions.. Lalalalala...... okay haha I'm not exactly in a studious mood because of my pending vacation :P


the being said...

I am on the same boat! though it hasn't been all that long since i sent in my application for the I-20). isn't it super frustrating???

Katrina said...

same boat here... I haven't got my I-20 and haven't even filled out that dam SIR yet coz they missed my English score report :S

ipoel said...

ahhh v frustating... but then again we still have a few more months to take care of it..