Thursday, May 3, 2007


I've just been told by my friend who's an Indonesian, had worked in the States previously before her MBA with her H-1B visa that after I graduated, I will certainly get an H-1B visa. THis is because before my MBA, I have already had an H-1B visa and thus I can use that lot again..

I'm not sure about how the process works but to know that I will definitely have an H-1B upon graduation is enlightening.. She found this out from an immigration lawyer who went to her B-school and talked about this..

On the other hand, I had just spoken to my friend who were applying for H-1B this year and she told me she didn't get it.. she said she didn't get the lottery for the H-1B and is returning to school. This is really bad news..

From MBA Hairtwirler's comment :
If you had an H-1B in the past 6 years and have not left the U.S. for more than 365 days since being in H-1B status, you are not cap subject and can change your status to H-1B after you graduate. I'm going to write more on immigration matters in the next week or so...


Nat4mba said...

There is an explosion in the area of H-1B visas this year, the limits set for visas of this kind were met during the very first two days of application period, and God knows what will happen to those people who did not apply in advance. The news is scandalous. It reminds me of the crash that happened with fresh MBA graduates of foreign origin in 2001, when people had nothing else but to return to their home countries. It was a real stab in the back of MBA education.

HairTwirler said...

If you had an H-1B in the past 6 years and have not left the U.S. for more than 365 days since being in H-1B status, you are not cap subject and can change your status to H-1B after you graduate. I'm going to write more on immigration matters in the next week or so...

Mocha said...

hey ipoel,

I forgot if I've asked you this before, but do you have any IM that I can keep in touch with you? I am generally not that great with emails :P
