Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ipoel Has a Plan ( to take over the world.. )

So here's my plan.. I'm going home in May for a long vacation til August. I'm currently trying to find a summer internship oportunity in either Jakarta or Singapore ( Anyone?? Hook me up, please ) It'll be in either consulting or Global Consumer Products
My plan for now is to return to US in early September to go to school. Now let's hope I don't change my mind in my 4 months there. Part of the reason I'm going home and work in Jakarta is to find out if I do like it there and if I can find opportunities in Indonesia.

I'll be quitting my job in end of April ( anyone interested shoot me an email at ) It'll be an entry level job.
I'm gonna be bringing Paris to Indonesia. I'll be subleasing my apartment from May til August ( I'm thinking whether I should just break the contract so I have no obligation to return here if I do like it in Indonesia ) HERM..
But YUP that's my plan..

I really do want to thank all the readers and the new contacts I have made through this website :)

On a more serious note, I've been talking to current students, alumni, professors and friends, and most of them would tell me that I don't need an MBA to be an entrepreneur.
If you want to work as a professional ( in a corporate world ), by all means yes take an MBA..
If you want to work in US, any job, YES Take the MBA
If you want to be an entrpreneur in US, I'd say take MBA because it helps you to get funding and learn the structured way to get funding/meet VCs
But if you want to be an entrepreneur not in US.. most people tell me : go home, work and find your niche..

Okay so maybe other international students who aspire to return to their home country and be entrepreneurs can tell me why they're doing the MBA..

but there it it

Ipoel has a plan

OH did I tell you I get rejected by Berkeley...
and ipoel is going to be heart-broken when she returns to Indo in May ( this has easily turned to be a once a year thing.. shucks )


Mocha said...

Hey girly... Sorry to hear the Ding~! I also got the very same Ding =( Absolutely no love from Berkeley.

In regards to your MBA for entrepreneurship, in my personal opinion, if you want to establish yourself somewhere not in the U.S. (since I am not familiar with the environment here), you probably may want to specialize in some skill that may help you in the future, maybe like designing, IT, or real estate, whatever skill. I think you can easily pick up the "business" skills that you need in your own company. As you may know, there are a lot of entrepreneurs who make over million dollars annually without an MBA.

But hey, an MBA wouldn't hurt you at least.

Beuwolf said...

Hey Ipoel,

I'll offer my 2 cents :)

I believe that after all the trouble you went to in the last couple of years to get to an MBA program, you should 100% attend one now. Go to UCLA (that's your choice right?) which is a top MBA program and enjoy every minute of it.

As a self doubter myself (I always second guess my actions and believe I am making a mistake), I think you should take the "risk" and get an MBA degree. If it will help or not I can't say, but it will be 2 great years where you will meet great people and maybe they will help you with your start-up!

Anonymous said...

hey Ipoel,
I came across your blog while looking for USC MBA info. I am sorry to read you've turned down USC. I decided to go to USC Marshall because of its strong global network and because it is a private school. Despite its higher ranking, UCLA and Berkely after all are State schools. Having gone to a State school for undergrad, I realized that pivate institutions, such as USC, have a much stronger alumni network globally. It's been my experience that State schools tend to offer great connections to those from that State. But if you are an international applicant or someone with a global perspective, I think private schools make more sense. Anywway, at least that's been my observation. By the way, which MBA program are you going to? Good luck with your endeavors whatever you choose to do.

Also, if you are looking for internships in Indonesia or Singapore, you should check out Credit Suisse or Merrill Lynch. They seem to be expanding aggressively there. Good luck.


ipoel said...

Hey You guys.. thanks for all ur kind comments through my "hard" time :)