Saturday, March 24, 2007

ENROLLED IN UCLA ( Did I tell u guys this before .. herm )

It's been 3 days and I haven't changed my mind about going to MBA... HIP HIP HOORAY!!!

I want to thank Lindy, Natasha, my baby, Paris, my mom, and everyone else whom I have been bothering the past month about my dilemma of going to B school or not.. I'm very happy to say that I have NOT changed my mind for THREE DAYS!!!

ThANK you THank You..

HAHAHA okay I'm over-reacting....

but anyway

I HAVE PAID my deposit to UCLA $1000 ( aka one Paris Biarritz bag .. SIGH )..

Yai.. I'm officially going to UCLA Anderson class of 2009!

And I actually might have found an internship with KIVA to do microfinance in Yogyakarta, Indonesia... I had the chance to talk to a friend's friend who is involved in micofinance organization, KIVA, in Indonesia. He's heading to Indonesia in June to head up a microfinance project and he invited me to join the group.. Okay.. I haven't heard back from him.. but still yai..

OH did I tell you guys : I'm interested in doing microfinance in Indonesia in the future ( that's my LT goal in the essay )

Okay I had the chance to chat with another Indonesian current Anderson student yesterday.. What a mind-boggling experience!!! THIS GUY is sooo darnnn talented..
Okay so he told me he did double major in his undergrad at Purdue I believe in Finance and Computer Science. Then he worked in Singapore, did his GMAT and scored 750.. Got contacted by MIT to do a Master in Engineering for Supply Chain something... He was offered admission with tuition for MIT.. did that.. and then work at a consulting company for a while... and joined Anderson 2 yrs ago ON FULL SCHOLARSHIP ( yes meaning two years full scholarship )

KILL ME... He's going to join AMGEN corporate finance upon graduation.. and was offered a position at BCG Singapore. He did summer internship at JP Morgan , Hong Kong to test the water but didn't like IB.

Okay so yeah I feel small ...

Tralalala but oh okay I also found a sublessee ( did I spell it right?) to take over my apt from June-August.. Now I'm thinking of bringing my dog, Paris to Indonesia for vacation for 3 months.. ANyone with similar experience of bringing your dog abroad???

See everything is clearer now.. One step at a time...

I also want to CONGRATULATE sa_ir, a fellow Indonesian, who's been accepted to Indiana Kelley School of Business.... CONGRATS.. And I believe, One-Toe, another Indonesian guy is going to MIT Sloan.. Am I right?

Craig Hubble, the admission directer for Anderson had also informed me there's another Indonesian gal who just got accepted to Anderson.. hahaha wow oka I should stop mentioning about the Indonesiansss....

happy spring break holiday!!!

1 comment:

D A said...

All The Best Young Girl..Rock UCLA..