So here are the list of nominees for BOB this year :
Applicant Bloggers:
AGirlsMBA - http://agirlsmba.blogspot.com
Anand - http://anandologue.blogspot.com
Asiangal - http://asiangalmba.blogspot.com
B-School Diva - http://bschooljourney.blogspot.com
Forrest Gump - http://run-forrest.blogspot.com
HairTwirler - http://mbajamey.blogspot.com
Iday S - http://i4iday.blogspot.com
Inblue - http://inblueblogs.blogspot.com
ipoel - http://youngmbagal.blogspot.com
JatWarrior - http://jatwarrior.blogspot.com
Juggler - http://thembasaga.blogspot.com
Katrina - http://katrinamba.blogspot.com
MBA babe - http://mbababe.blogspot.com
mba_salsera - http://mbasalsera.blogspot.com
Meru SAVARNI - http://merusavarni.blogspot.com
necromonger - http://onwardtomba.blogspot.com
Peter - http://aamba2009.wordpress.com
Rohit - http://wannabdictator.blogspot.com
Rungee582 - http://rungee582.blogspot.com
RusGirl - http://rusgirl.blogspot.com
ScareCrow - http://scarecrow07.blogspot.com
StressTensor - http://stresstensor.blogspot.com
Suser - http://susulicious.blogspot.com
TJ - http://flexibleimage.blogspot.com
UniQpath - http://uniqpath.blogspot.com
Current Student Bloggers:
Angel Angie (LBS) - http://angelangie2008.blogspot.com
Ash (Stanford) - http://gsb2008.blogspot.com
Ashwyn (IESE) - http://stereoscopy.blogspot.com
Benny (Tuck) - http://mba-benny.blogspot.com
Bronowski (Yale SOM) - http://brownoski.blogspot.com
Divine Miss N (LBS) - http://divinemissn.typepad.com
FM (LBS) - http://ehfm.blogspot.com
FromCali (Ross) - http://fromcali.blogspot.com
Hallonman (INSEAD) - http://hallonman.blogspot.com
Jacek (ESADE) - http://eumba.blogspot.com
Jerry Blank (Yale SOM) - http://flatpointmba.blogspot.com
J-Term Johnny (Columbia) - http://j-term-johnny.blogspot.com
Karlitos (LBS) - http://karlitosgoesmba.blogspot.com
La Laudiaria (Wharton) - http://heiressmba.blogspot.com
Le Voyageur (Chicago) - http://mbaperegrinations.blogspot.com
MBA Gladiator (Yale SOM) - http://mbagladiator.blogspot.com
Mbwana (Stanford) - http://mbwana.blogspot.com
Nagendra (Oxford) - http://nagsblog.blogspot.com
Noelle (IESE) - http://spanishnoelle.blogspot.com
Patxi (LBS) - http://commitment.es/mba2008
Perpetual Motion (Wharton) - http://perpetualmotion.wordpress.com
Rubeo Boy (Stern) - http://newlifecity.blogspot.com
The Dirty Canuck (Chicago) - http://the-dirty-canuck.blogspot.com
Tim K.(McCombs) - http://southpawtiger.blogspot.com
UCLADawg (Anderson) - http://ucladawg.blogspot.com
OKAY! SO THAT'S A LOT! And to be frank, I have not been following most of them.. I had definitely browsed most of the applicants' blogger but not so much of the current students' blogs.. SO I think this voting by the nominees will not be very fair ( assuming most of the nominees are like me.. which of course I might be wrong ) but anyway.. I'm calling ALL BLOG READERS to nominate your favorite posts!! Okay so then you guys will help me SCREEN for the posts... I will of course still read your nominations and pick my fave post :)
For Example, let me start : I like my excerpts post for long term goal and family essays.. just to help applicants to really see a concrete essay. After being rejected in early 2006 from 4 top B Schools, I contacted a friend of mine who had gotten in to 4 even TOP-PER Bschool and ask if she's willing to share her essay with me. She's kind enough to share with me and that helped me identify my mistakes :
1. don't ramble too much about my jobs -> adcoms don't call about my daily tasks' details,
2. try to be very specific about your short/long term goal even though you're not very certain what it is..
What else.. I think my blog is different because it helps the applicants with a. less working experience or b. international applicants to get a feel what B school is really about. ( It's really all about the ALCOHOL ) jk.
Now my favorite post will be when I ask others what they REWARD themselves for getting into B school... BOY That one receives a hell lots of comments.. haha
OKAY you guys get the point, please vote for your favorite blog's post in my comment box ! KAY! deadline for me to vote is coming up
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