In the past, I've posted excerpt from my family essay ( that I assumed help me get into Anderson ), so here's another one of my LT goal:
In a departure from the office, my recent trip to Indonesia has also helped me reshape my long term goals. I was accompanying my family to travel to remote areas of the country – the contrast in living condition between the locals and those living in the capital struck me profoundly. After much thought, I recalled the story of a businesswoman in India who had set up a microfinancing company to provide women living in isolated parts of her country with small business loans. These loans allowed the poor to advance their economic standing as well as attain their independence. I realized that the business model of microfinancing would apply equally well to the situation I had witnessed in Indonesia. My long term goal is therefore to set up a company that issues micro-loans in remote areas of my country in the near future. It is evident that my current work in the field of investment debt provides an excellent foundation, however, I intend to further develop my ideas at Anderson through its [say club name].
So, I hope you guys can note that from my two excerpts, I try to show :
1. something personal
2. something in the past that makes me what/who I am right now, makes me want to do something, explains my motivation for the future.. and that's why in the present I'm pursuing an MBA.. ah life is a circle ( HAHA I remember my literature class while studying "Joy Luck Club" : it's a circle. the begining is the end and the end is the beginning")
3. something different ( everyone will write about their work experience and how they go beyond the expected and bla bla bla.. this is good! Yes.. but try to inject something else.. something personal, some explanation why you went beyond)
Happy essay-ing!
You have a good point there.
All the best at Anderson.
Hmm, how is that a "long term" goal if you want to accomplish it in the "near future"?
Really liked ur post... Off late there's been a lot of advice floating for prospective students. Found yours short,simple and much useful than most others. Have a great time.
hah! good catch w the long term v near future.. hell it's over for me but if u're writing ur essay, do read it a lot :) thx
ipoel...Did I tell you that I really like your room. From all the pictures you posted...your room looked very clean and "welcoming" =)
hey mocha! thanks a lot bout the apartment.. anything new about your upcoming job? moving to cali?? good luck..
i do kinda enjoy decorating.. i seek inspiration through www.apartmenttherapy.com
hey ipoel, Thanks for your comment on my blog. I love to read your comment each time! ^^
I guess that post was more to moan than to figure out how competition aids in the workforce. I guess the competition I was referring to sorta create a hostility between him and I. Very sad! I am generally a nice girl :)
Wow...apt decorating. Awesome! I will definitely take a look at that website. My Boeing job outlook is great. I have a 50-50 chance to land a job at either LA/Seattle. So if I am in LA, I will let you know.
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