is different... I've been away from Indo way too long.. My first week at work and I had merely spent USD$1.4 for lunch at a very simple house-turned-restaurant. I had to walk on a small alley to get to this 'restaurant' ( small alley as in I can extend both my hands and that's how wide the alley is). That is by far the cheapest lunch I've ever spent on during my current stay in Indo... The food are served in a cupboard ( not fridge or hot stove) and people are free to pick the food themselves. From where I sat, I could see people washing plates using big buckets.. and thank God I could only see half of that room.. Well the food is good though.
Another experience would be that I had riden on a 'Mikrolet' ( see picture) once again after about 10 years. I was kinda hesitant on riding it but since my other co-workers wanted to ride 'Mikrolet' to get to the restaurant, I had to follow.. I couldn't be a spoiled whiner by refusing to ride on one.. So for you who don't undersand my hesitation... sometime it's not safe to ride on the public transportation in Indonesia (pick pocket, bully, etc etc )
These are all things that I had not done in 8 years ( since the last time I moved to Singapore for my high school). Funny thing is I didn't even remember missing these experiences.. These all seem a life time away from my time in Singapore or LA. HAH but I guess my going back to Indonesia this time really introduces me to life in Jakarta again. Had I join the XXX bank which is famous for recruiting overseas graduate, I would have never riden angkot or eaten at some random 'restaurant' ( coz in the building they will have clean and nice cafetarias or restaurants). Hanging out with my friends don't help either because most of the overseas graduates are already used to our overseas lifestyle that we wouldn't even think of doing this..
Okay so now about the job.. still interesting but sometime tedious.. Today for example, I just didn't feel like doing anything.. I miss the freedom to step outside and get coffeebean or starbucks (they dont exist in my office building).. to refresh myself /save myself from the sleepiness.
Now other than the job.. I had attended a friend's wedding during the last weekend. While I sat at the church, I couldn't help thinking bout.... Paris... and having Paris on my weddng day as the ring bearer.. Him wearing tuxedo, walking along a small cute girl in her green dress ( no pink thank you.. saw too much of it )
HAHAHAHAHA i'm sorry but that was what I was seriously thinking about..
and then there's this poem that is ringing on my head.. it was posted on my dentist's wall. In the past, while waiting to see him, I would stare at it and try to memorize it but I never could.. It's about love..
it said something about Love is not loud, it's not boisterous.. bla bla bla.. and I can't remember the rest.. a friend said taht it's from the bible.. 1Cor 13.. I didnt think so but still I couldn't find that full poem..
Definitely from the Bible - 1st corinthians 13.
It truly is from the Bible, and it's my favorite poem as well.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
(1 Corinthians 13)
Is that the whole poem?? muahaha i feel like saying those are all bullshit since i just got out of a relp
Thanks for your blog. I am applying to Anderson currently and enjoy reading about your experience!
thanks Joey and Good luck!
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