No interview invite from NYU .. :(
SIGH.. Okay.. live goes on..
Marshall USC had told me that they would get back to me next Friday on the decision.. That's about 2 weeks faster than the afore mentioned deadline. We'll see.. I kinda screwed up the interview since I didn't research much about SC's program...
In 3 weeks time I'm going back to Indonesia.. YAIIIIIIIIIIII.............. I haven't gone home in like 2 years plus.. My friends and family are missing me.. I'm actually going home for Chinese new year on February 18th.. So a day after I reach Jakarta, I'm flying out to Semarang, my grandparents' home town. Chinese always celebrate events by having a dinner with the whole family.. This will be exciting..
I'm also going to hold my late house(apartment) warming party at my tiny studio apartment here in LA this weekend.. I actually had moved in last year October but was so busy with the B-School application - giddy from the UCLA result, that I only have time to throw a party now..
When I was working on the guest lists.. I ended up with 20+ people.. And that is not going to fit my tiny apartment.. SO I had to cut down my list to less than 10 ppl.. HAH!
I'm going to have Indonesian food for the party.. ( Ordering in, I don't cook, and My friends don't trust me in cooking )... This will be fun.. Paris will be excited to see many people at my apartment.
As a result of my upcoming party, I have been checking out www.apartmenttherapy.com to seek inspirations to design/re-design my apartment.. My close friend is tired of my talks about changing the position of the furnitures/ hanging more stuff on the wall/ painting the kitchen brown...
Okay I think I've been talking all over the place tonight :)
O ooo... Sad to hear about NYU... :( But yes, life goes on and ofcourse, with UCLA by your side the shock wouldn't have been too hard to bear...
All the best for Marshall!!
Nice blog that you've got. I'm also planning to do an MBA in the States within a year or two, and i think it'll be great to learn more about the process from one who's gone through it!
If you don't mind, you could add me up on MSN - fsutantio@hotmail.com so that we could chat more freely..I'd really appreciate that :)
Funnily..i'll be going back to Semarang for Chinese New Year too..it must be nice there hey..esp. with all the food! yummy..
come visit me in kl/malaysia
hey, I haven't heard from NYU either. But i think they're keep giving out interview/decisions on a rolling base, so don't give up your hope yet.
It's cool you can go home for Chinese New Year. It is the most important day for a family for us Chinese. I'm planning a trip to states after Chinese New Year, still thinking about whether I should ask for an on-campus interview at UCLA... What do u suggest?
is that really true? we still have hopes for NYU? hahaha.. okay :) hey katrina, as i said in your blog, def try to sign up for interview with UCLA :)
Hey, if you want to talk abt Haas...contact me at ericm.2911@gmail.com. Perhaps we can chat when you are in Indonesia. I'm a recent Haas graduate working in Jakarta. Best of luck and hopefully you get an interview soon.
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